About Us

Thescentx.com was created to provide the everyday person with access to the largest inventory of genuine, designer and celebrity brand fragrances and other beauty products at the lowest possible prices.


Product Guarantee

All of the products showcased throughout Thescentx.com are 100% original brand names. We only carry genuine brand name perfumes, colognes and beauty products. Absolutely NO imitations or knock-offs.


Our Goal

To work hard in ensuring that your shopping experience is completely satisfying and enjoyable. Along with great selection and prices, our number one concern is offering superior customer service and our staff is here to serve you. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by phone: +1 (205) 340-8135 or [email protected]


Thescentx.com is an online retailer of genuine brand name fragrances and skincare products. Please note that we are not the manufacturer of any of the products we carry.


Legal Disclaimer

We are not responsible for any typographical errors or inaccuracies set forth in this website. The information, prices, and discounts set forth herein are subject to change without notice.


Please note that product pictures may vary.